Long day...
At Hidden Villa, I led a tour in the pouring rain. The treefrog who lives in the bathtub pond was singing up a storm, but every time I bent down to try and find him the runoff from the roof of the barn drenched me. Moments later it didn't matter, because I found a different treefrog. I also noticed something duck under the water really quickly as we approached the rectangular pond. The surface is obscured by duckweed, but I'd bet anything that what I almost saw was the turtle. Apparently he took exception to being placed in the small pond on saturday, and has relocated himself. Later still, I caught a big fat California newt. The kids and parents loved it. My socks were wet for the rest of the day.
At the museum, I finally managed to get the big taiko drum out of the basement. Then, along with the usual assortment of other instruments, we made music. I discovered that I could play the taiko drum and my nose flute simultaneously, and I made up a cheerful song. Some people were entertained. One little boy, less than two years old, kept running up and grinning at me like I was the best thing since chocolate milk. Most of the adults seemed to have fun too. You'd think people would be annoyed by the combination of nose flute and taiko drum. Maybe some were. Who knows? If they don't let me know, I will not stop!!!
Then there was a boring meeting. The dinner consisted of lots of choices for the carnivores and only one choice for the vegetarians. The choice contained heaps of mushrooms. I really don't care for mushrooms much. I'm a vegetarian, not a fungetarian, dammit! Ooops. I'm complaining about free food. How ungrateful of me.
At the paper route, a co-worker smeared my jacket with one of those free perfume samples that come in magazines. I smelled "pretty" for the rest of the night. Of course, lest you think I work with psychos, this action on the part of my co-worker wasn't entirely unprovoked. Earlier, I had gotten him to fall for the "defective rubber band" trick. I cut a bunch of notches in a rubber band, so that it would snap when stretched, and then tossed it to my co-worker. Then I shot him with a good rubber band. When he tried to retaliate, using the rubber band I'd thrown to him a moment before, it snapped in his hands. Ha ha. Bored paper boys. Run.
cds I listened to while wishing I didn't smell so funny: Raksha Mancham "Ghazels" and "sBas Yul", Tribes of Neurot and Walking Time Bombs "Static Migration", Molasses "A Slow Messe", and Rasputina "Thanks for the Ether"
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