Tuesday, April 15, 2003

The job interview went well. The Youth Science Institute offices are home to the same sorts of critters that live at our house - snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc. There is also a wealth of other animal/science related materials. The woman who interviewed me already knew the two people I was going to use as references. That sure makes things easier. Now I just have to wait for the official word. They're going to send out letters through the mail to all potential new and returning teachers, and figure out who will end up going to which park. If I get the job (and I really don't see why I wouldn't) I won't start until the first week of june, so I have some time yet to keep my late hours.
After the interview, Jen and I let the kids play at the park. I pushed The Dickens on the swings for a long time. I just love seeing her so happy. It's much better than seeing her throw things off the counter or drop appliances into the bathtub. Maybe we should get a swing set for the backyard...

cds I listened to while realizing that if I quit one route I won't have as much time to listen to cds: Solstice "Halcyon", David Maranha "Circunscrita", Carla Kihlstedt "2 Foot Yard", Sonic Violence "Transfixion", Andre Maranha ") gargula (gargalo)", and Stille Volk "Hantaoma"

now: Pantaleimon "Change My World"

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