Monday, April 28, 2003


One of the teachers at Lexy's school wanted me to show her how to handle her classroom's new Tarantula, and while I was showing her, I noticed that she had some Walking Sticks in another cage. One thing led to another, and now we have six Walking Sticks living at our house. They grow quite big too.
Later, I helped G. lug a huge, splintery shelving unit up to his third floor apartment, and then helped him fill it with the contents of his floor. Then we picked splinters out of our hands. It's a good thing neither of us lost our grip on the way up because that damn thing could have killed us.


We took the horde to Hidden Villa's Earth Day celebration. The kids danced around the maypole, and The Dickens danced in every puddle on the farm, splashing happily through the mud. Somebody found a turtle in the creek, and I (after showing it around a bit) ended up letting it go in one of the ponds, but not before it had peed on me several times. Garth, with his hat of lichen and his cool seaweed horn, explained how one can safely eat Stinging Nettles. We went home and I steamed up some and ate them. They taste kind of fuzzy.
Later, I gave the Dickens a rollercoaster ride in the wicker basket that lives by the fireplace. She had a blast. When it was over she had a tantrum. Being a soft touch, I gave her another ride. When it was over she had a tantrum.


We now have a green dryer, and a whole load of spotty green clothes. They look like they have the pox. One green crayon unnoticed in a pocket can sure wreak a lot of havoc.
Jen got me a new shirt, which is orange. The Iguana thought it was a big carrot and tried to eat it.
Willow has her first cold, given to her by The Dickens. Poor snuffly little girl.

cds I listened to while wondering who was the first to figure out that Stinging Nettles were edible: Raksha Mancham "Phyidar" and "Chos Khor", Therion "A' Arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming" and Tarentel "From Bone to Satellite"

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