Tuesday, April 01, 2003

So there I was, sitting on the playground and minding my own business, when a seven year old boy looked up at me and asked the question. "Why do you have seventies hair?" Oh the tragedy of it all. He had noticed my horribly out of date hair. Whatever shall I do? Should I rush out to the barber shop? Maybe I can trade up a decade or two. How about some nineties hair? What the hell does nineties hair look like anyway? What should hair for the new millenium look like?

At least I wasn't wearing seventies pants.

And I was waylaid by that damn talkative security guard tonight. I don't care if his wife is young enough to be his daughter. I really don't.

cds I listened to from under my retro hair: Urna "Hadood", Nurse With Wound "A Sucked Orange", Saint Vitus "V", and "Live" (they have a thing or two to say about the seventies...), and Nina Nastasia "Dogs"

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