Thursday, April 03, 2003

I haven't been paying close attention to the news lately. When war breaks out... I mean, when some asshole starts a war, I find that I can't take any news reports at face value (not that I can otherwise on a regular basis either), and the news reports that aren't pure propaganda are often just too distressing. As usual, all of the people calling the shots are safe behind walls and bunkers and the people who had nothing to do with the "reasons" behind the war are getting mowed down. And don't give me that bullshit euphemism, "collateral damage" either. It's not damage, it's death. Innocent people are having their lives ripped apart. Many of the soldiers are just scared kids.

I've seen a car a couple of times with the words "fuck Iraq" and "defend our country" carefully printed out on little placards in the rear window. Since the words aren't smeared by drool or horribly misspelled, I'm guessing that the driver probably had help from his mom or dad. I wonder what he thinks we should defend our country against? Oh yeah, that soundbyte word - "terrorists". Bombing countries doesn't get rid or terrorists, it just helps create more of them. And the word, "fuck"... how classy. This guy's link is definitely missing. He probably has sweaty dreams about Rush Limbaugh. Ooops. BAD mental picture.

cds I listened to while being upset with the state of the world: Saint Vitus "Die Healing", Klaus Nomi "Eclipsed - the best of...", Non "God & Beast" and "In the Shadow of the Sword", Saturnus "Martyre", and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum at the Bottom of the Hill 3/17/00

now: Arco "Transparency"

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