Friday, April 02, 2004

I got pulled over again tonight for being suspiciously near some suspicious activity. Belatedly, I thought of a good April Fool's Day joke - have a fake I.D. under the name Osama Bin Laden. Watch the cops all laugh! Watch them arrest you while laughing!

The mother duck nearly dive bombed me tonight, quacking loudly. The ducklings peeped plaintively.

And last, I was told a funny story at work today. Apparently, last autumn, an employee took it upon himself to put up a helpful sign in the garden. This sign was meant to entice people to smell the anise plants, which, as most people know, smell like licorice. Unfortunately, this employee was uncertain how to spell "anise", so he gave it his best shot. The resulting sign summoned people to "Come smell the sweet anus".

cds I listened to while being suspiciously suspicious: Paul Chain Violet Theatre "Opera 4th", Miranda Lee Richards "The Herethereafter", Current 93 "Halo", Paul Chain "Sign From Space", and Howden/Wakeford "Wormwood"

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