I always arrive at the weekend feeling worn out. Thursday usually seems like the low point. Friday brings a couple of hours at Hidden Villa, which, despite the fact that I have to get up too early to get there, seems to help recharge me. Today I led a group of energetic pre-schoolers around the farm. Actually they were ahead of me most of the time because they all liked running. They came from somewhere up in San Francisco, and got the sliding scale discount, which is nice. I think it's the kids from the poorer neighborhoods who benefit most from places like Hidden Villa. We all need places like this to bolster our spirits; to remind us that the world is a beautiful place.
It's quite warm out today. During the night it feels like autumn, but the days have been more like summer.
I tried to get a new cd player installed in my car today, but since it would have entailed leaving the car there well into the evening, I opted for monday. That's always the hard part - the time involved. The physical process of a credit card transaction is easy. I almost wish it wasn't. The disconnect involved is like a cushion between myself and reality. The labor involved in earning money seems so far removed from the whole credit card thing. The interest I'm being charged is just a number on a statement. Maybe I live too much in the "here and now", and should be looking down the road more often. Maybe I should sit down and figure out just how many hours of working for somebody else it takes me to buy things like cd players. Of course, it's the cd player that makes delivering papers fun.
Speaking of spending money, I got the new DVD player in the mail. It does indeed play non-American formats and regions. It seems to play just about everything. I think that's money well spent. Of course, buying things online involves even more cushioning against reality. I need to work on my willpower.
Tonight I bring snakes and bugs to Lexy's school for their Halloween party. It should be fun.
cds I listened to while feeding batteries to my discman: Blyth Power "Gladly Give to Ceaser", "The Bricklayer's Arms", and "On the Viking Station", Kroko "Furia", and Circle/Marble Sheep "Surface/Marble Zone 2 - live"
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