Monday, June 09, 2003

Well, okay - One more week of working the same old hours at night. The YSI training during the upcoming week is in the afternoons, so I can work late into the night and not have to worry about setting my alarm. I do have to start putting together a curriculum for the bug camp I'm teaching next week. I have a kit full of crafts and games to choose from, not to mention my own store of bugs and things related. It feels good to be turning my attention to something new, even though in some ways it's the same kind of thing I've been doing all along. The main difference is that I'm more in charge of setting up the curriculum.
My training this week seems like it will mainly consist of learning the trails at the two parks where I will be teaching. That should be fun - it sounds like I'm going to get paid for hiking.

This weekend flew by. I had the teachers' meeting at YSI on friday, where I was fed too much information to digest all at once. It's a good thing they handed me lots of printed information to digest at my leisure. Friday night Jen and I sat down and watched a movie (on video) for the first time in awhile - Bela Tarr's Almanac of Fall, which was lit like an Argento film (both lighting and set design reminded me of Inferno) but veered more towards Tarkovsky in general tone and subject matter. Think grim, with odd touches of humor here and there. Saturday M. and I went up to the city to see Heaven's Radio, which was billed as an "absurdist Butoh play" and definitely lived up to its billing. It featured lots of great music by some of the more talented locals. That night Jen and I watched yet another movie - this time Skins, which is based on a book by Adrian C. Louis and stars Graham Greene (one of the few actors whose presence in a film will tip the balance for me when I'm deciding whether or not to see it). The short version of the synopsis is that it's about two brothers who live on the Pine Ridge reservation; one is a cop and the other is an alcoholic. Trouble ensues. Two movies in one weekend. I can't believe it!
Today we just puttered around town doing little things that needed to be done and drinking frozen chai drinks.

cds I listened to while still having two routes: Sky Cries Mary "Fresh Fruits for the Liberation", Hana "s/t" and "Omen", Azadi! - a benefit compilation for the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, and Slap Happy Humphrey "s/t"

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