Thursday, June 05, 2003

My night job is trying to hold on to me. It looks like they're going to try and hand me back the route I'm quitting after the summer job at the YSI is over. It makes financial sense for them to do this - if one of the floaters can do the job for a couple of months, then they don't have to hire and pay a new carrier. Of course, they'd like it best if I'd just keep doing both routes and splitting my sleep schedule in order to be rested enough to do everything. I'll admit it's a bit tempting - it would mean an extra eight hundred dollars a month. The only problem is that I hate splitting my sleep schedule. It stresses me out. I'd also have less time with my family. But think what we could do with the extra money... Maybe there's some sort of middle ground. Maybe I could do it every once in awhile. It would be nice to ensure that I have a route to come back to in the fall if my other options (unknown at this time) fall through.
I think that, in this case, time is more important than money. I'm still thinking though...

There's this duck on my route that has a harem of nine. I've seen them all marching side by side across the lawn, eating god knows what along the way. Strange creatures, ducks. The world "duck" has a comical ring to it. So does the word "quack". I'm sure they all view themselves very seriously though.

cds I listened to while contemplating the summer: Yearning "Plaintive Scenes", Skyclad "The Answer Machine?", "Outrageous Fourtunes", and "Vintage Whine", Zeni Geva "Maximum Money Monster" and "Nai-Ha", Chu Ishikawa-Der Eisenrost "Tokyo Fist" soundtrack, and Darrin Verhagen "Soft Ash"

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