Thursday, June 12, 2003

Oh the fickleness of the young...

Jen left to go get Lexy this afternoon, leaving Nate home with me because one of the car seats was still drying after yesterday's puking incident. Nate was extremely unhappy to be left behind, screaming "I want my mommy! I want my mommy" until she was out of earshot. At this point his screams abruptly changed to "...oh, I mean I want to watch giant monster movies!" I put in a Godzilla movie, but Nate didn't like it, explaining, "it's even black and whiterer than the other one." I put in a more recent Godzilla movie, in full color. That solved the problem. It's always important to have a good selection of japanese giant monster movies in the house.

In the afternoon, I found myself at Sanborn park, which is where we were married last october. This time I was getting trained for my YSI job. I discovered that they have a great selection of bugs in the visitor center, and some good hiking trails. I have a feeling that when I actually start teaching the science camps that my blogging time will have to be cut down in the interest of getting enough sleep. We shall see.

I got pulled over tonight for "running a stoplight." I figured I'd get a ticket for that one, even though what I actually did was not come to a full stop while making a right turn against the red. I ended up not getting a ticket. My luck is holding.

cds I listened to while running stoplights: Patti Smith "Peace and Noise" and "Gung-Ho", Sofa "Grey", Sopor Aeternus "s/t" and "Todeswunsch", and Georges Delerue "Black Robe" soundtrack

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