Thursday, June 19, 2003

We navigated our way through the exciting world of spiders today, stopping on the way to scrutinize the skinks and toads. The skink was in the garden behind the shed, and the toad lives inside a comfy cage in the visitor's center. The latter took exception to being handed around the circle of small children and let loose his frustration in a steady stream of toad water (water that's inside a toad) that spattered my socks and puddled on the floor. The kids all thought it was the coolest thing they'd ever seen - even cooler than the Desert tarantula, vinegaroon, Sun spider, and the variety of phosphorescing scorpions I set before them. Of course, one must remember that any incident involving pee and/or poop is always popular with the young, as long as it only gets on the adults.

Several of the kids know a lot about bugs already. Two of them brought their own bug books to camp. Several other children start wanting to eat their lunch/snack after only being at camp for forty five minutes or so, but all claim to have had breakfast. If they could, they would do everything at a run. If we could harness their energy the world's power supply problems would be solved.

Tomorrow we explore the creek and the ponds and see the play that the Nature's Drama camp has been working on.

cds I listened to while being glad I took a short nap yesterday: SPK "Auto Da Fe", Steroid Maximus "Gondwanaland", Stoa "Porta VIII" and "Urthona", and "The Baby of Macon" soundtrack

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