Tuesday, June 03, 2003

The Dickens turns two today! Whatever shall we do? I'm hoping that when the sun rises it's a little cooler than it was yesterday. I would be perfectly happy if the temperature never rose too far above 65 degrees. We've gotten the fans out and plugged in. I feel that there wasn't much of a segue between winter and summer this year. Spring must have forgotten to set her alarm clock.
Speaking of alarm clocks, mine is set, so off to bed I go.

cds I listened to while hanging my head out the window to catch a breeze: Skyclad "Tracks from the Wilderness" and "The Silent Whales of Lunar Sea", Voivod "Kronik" and "Lives", Barbez "s/t", Warfare "Crescendo of Reflexions", and Eric McFadden "The Un-official Non-Japanese Import of the not so Secret Northwest Club Shows"

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