Wednesday, June 04, 2003

I was driving to work earlier and I saw a van up ahead of me that appeared to have a logo across its back doors that spelled out the word "pimp". I thought I must be mistaken, but as I passed it, I saw that indeed I wasn't. I was sharing the road with a genuine pimpmobile. The ad on the side of the van was for portable stripper poles (oh no, that's going to get me all sorts of disgusting Google hits, isn't it?). I didn't know such a thing existed. You can now have a stripper pole in the privacy of your own home, and it will be driven there in van with the word "pimp" emblazoned on it in big blue letters so that all of your neighbors will know just what sort of entertainment you go in for. Shame on you.

In more family-oriented news, we had a small get-together for The Dicken's birthday party. There was cake and ice cream. Life is good. It's too early to tell yet which one of her many presents will become her favorite.

This is my last week of working my current schedule. Next week I'll be starting the training portion of my Youth Science Institute job. This means my museum hours are dropping to only about eight hours a month, and my paper route hours are being halved. We'll see how it goes. It's not every day I get a new job. This month marks my five year anniversary at the museum, which means it's been that long since I got a new job.

cds I listened to while contemplating upcoming changes: Skyclad "Prince of the Poverty Line", "Irrational Anthems", and "Oui Avant-garde A Chance" (say it out loud to get the full impact of this awful pun), Warfare "Hammer Horror" (the british film studio, not the tool), Nurse With Wound "The Musty Odour of Pierced Rectums", and Witchfinder General "Death Penalty"

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