Friday, June 06, 2003

Today was the last day of my accustomed work schedule. I'm only going to be working every other saturday at the museum for at least a couple of months - and that doesn't even start until July. Sunday night I will only have one paper route, even though they seem determined to give the other one back to me after YSI is over and done with. Can't they see I'm trying to segue my way into some sort of alternate employment? Is it too much to ask for a job that: 1) interests me, 2) has health benefits, and 3) pays well enough to live on in an admittedly expensive area? I'm probably dreaming, but everything starts with dreams...

At home, Willow discovered that there's a baby inside every mirror in the house. She's not sure what to make of this new revelation. The Dickens discovered that no matter how much she screams, sometimes adults' arms just can't take the strain of repeatedly tossing her up in the air.

cds I listened to while realizing that jobs as we know them sometimes change: Skyclad "Folkemon", Sky Cries Mary "A Return to the Inner Experience" and "Moonbathing on Sleeping Leaves", Roy Harper "The Green Man", Michael Stearns, et al "Baraka" soundtrack, and Simon Fisher Turner "Nadja" soundtrack

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