Tuesday, June 10, 2003

It's a bit cooler this week. The night skies are overcast and leaves skitter across parking lots. I much prefer this to last week's hot, sticky weather. Let's hope it stays this way for awhile.

I made a rookie move sometime over the last day or so. I didn't notice it until this afternoon. The latch on top of the snake cages had been pushed down incorrectly, and the cage top had slid open a fraction of an inch. That was all that was needed. I put down my soda, got my flashlight, and started looking for the Rat snake. I didn't find him. When Jen got home with the boys, she was not happy with the news. The boys weren't either. They love watching videos of large reptiles stomping cities, but when small reptiles are loose in the house, it makes them nervous. I shrugged and went back to looking.
It wasn't until hours later, when we had just gotten home from the grocery store, that Jen came running up to me with the news that she had found the snake. There he was, inspecting my cd collection, and acting as if he hadn't a care in the world. I picked him up and put him back in his cage, ignoring his protests. It's properly latched now.

Earlier, while I was in the kitchen, I heard The Dickens exclaim, "eeeeeww!", from the other room. I went in and discovered that she had removed her diaper and was holding it up for inspection. The sounds of disgust she was making were aimed at the solitary poo that rested within. I gently took it from her and prepared to dispose of it. She got upset with me and demanded to, "see poopoo." Being kind-hearted, I allowed her to accompany me to the bathroom. Jen joined us there, and we had a solemn viking funeral for the poopoo, sending it swirling into the watery darkness.

cds I listened to while remembering that you can't almost latch a cage: Kendra Smith "Five ways of Disappearing", Patti Smith "Dream of Life", "Horses", and "Radio Ethiopia", Pharaoh Overlord "II", and Mychael Danna "Kama Sutra" soundtrack

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