Thursday, March 18, 2004

Yep, Willow has no tube in her nose! It's good to be able to pick her up and hug her without having to make sure that I'm not inadvertently tugging on the tube. I'm sure she's happy about it too, although she didn't seem to mind it too much - only when it was being put in. I'm glad I didn't have to witness any of the insertions.

I think I'll go read now. The night is quiet. It's still t-shirt weather outside, but just barely. I think that's why I'm a night person. The temperature during the summer (and freak heat waves, like now) is perfect at 3:00 am. I'll miss that when I stop working at night. I was thinking tonight that my job is the perfect student job, a slightly less perfect post-student job, and really not a good married-with-children job at all. I look forward to getting to settle in for the night with everybody else instead of putting my shoes on and leaving just as the kids are going to sleep.

Okay, now I'm really going to go read.

cds I listened to while enjoying the perfect temperature: Sleepytime Gorilla Museum "Live", Backworld "Seeds of Love", Mahmoud Ahmed "Live in Paris", Sainkho Namtchylak "Time Out - Seven Songs for Tuva", and Nurse With Wound "Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella" and "Automating Volume 2"

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