Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I was driving behind one of those obscene Hummers today, and found myself wishing that gas would go up to around $5 a gallon just so I wouldn't have to look at all of these gas guzzling monstrosities currently surrounding us whenever we drive. Wishful thinking.

Our BioSITE groups were visited by a couple of people from the Marine Science Institute today. They brought along some fish, including a Leopard shark. We all got a chance to pet it. Some of the kids were a bit nervous, but touched it anyway. I commended them on their bravery. Those without fear are not brave. Those who feel the fear and do it anyway are the ones with the real courage. As for myself, I haven't yet met an animal that has inspired any kind of fear in me (with the exception of people, of course - very unpredictable, and will attack without provocation) so I spent a lot of time touching it. Shark skin feels like sandpaper wrapped around muscle, and this particular shark didn't seem too bothered by the countless hands descending into its bucket. We also got a chance to grope Flounder, Halibut, and Sculpin, to name a few.

All of the above took place outside in the garden, and I now have a touch of sunburn. It felt like Summer today. I think some entity has stolen Spring from us. All kidding aside, if it's this hot now, how hot will it be in July and August?

cds I listened to throughout the relative coolness of the night: Paul Chain "Relative Tapes on CD" discs 3 through 6

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