Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Jen has another sore throat. I think the germs just line up outside our door with little slips of paper with numbers on them. Every once in awhile, a hollow voice says, "now serving number _", and another group of germs crosses the threshold.

I say go away and bother somebody else. We don't have time to be sick.

I've applied for a couple of jobs online. I figure if I can just click a button to buy cds and dvds, why not click a button to apply for a job?

Time for bed. Goodnight.

cds I listened to while not really being rained on: Eleni Karaindrou "Rosa/Wandering", Cadaveria "The Shadows' Madame", Pentagram "Live", Savina Yannatou & Primavera En Salonico "Terra Nostra", and Tristania "World of Glass"

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