Wednesday, February 18, 2004

We're having a nice little storm at the moment. It's been spitting horizontal rain since early afternoon. Our lovely dead tree has gotten a bit smaller and our lawn is littered with branches. The big, dead branch that has been hanging off of one of the trees in the backyard since last year has finally succumbed to gravity. Nate and The Dickens went out and danced around it like extras from "Lord of the Flies".

I've discovered that the uploading problem we're having here is unique to our computer, and not a blogger problem. I can upload images just fine if I'm at work, but not here. I have absolutely no idea how to fix this problem. It irks me something fierce. Okay, maybe not fierce, but at least grouchy.

cds I listened to while becoming soggy: Strebers "Meningslost Liv(e)"%Ì^|ñ¬Xtrong>Kristi Stassinopoulou "The Secrets of the Rocks", The Gathering "Souvenirs", Mirror "Die Spiegelmanufaktur", and Steeleye Span "Gone to Australia - on tour 1975-84"

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