Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Two ways of looking at the same event:

1. I would end up with a flat tire during the night before I have to go to all three jobs and a gig. Dammit! This kind of thing always seems to happen at the most inconvenient time. I'm going to be soooo busy tomorrow.

2. There's always a reason for everything. My tires are so worn down that I poked myself on the steel tread while taking off the wheel, which means that I should get off my butt and replace them I might not have noticed the tread poking through if I hadn't taken off the wheel. The steel is only showing on the inward facing side. It's better to have a blowout while driving at ten miles per hour through a trailer park than it is to have one on the freeway. I'll just go get new tires tomorrow instead of going to Hidden Villa. They can get along for a day without me. I don't even have to set my alarm for any earlier.

I looked at it the first way for about a minute.

animals spotted tonight: one skunk (evidently there not all holed up for the winter yet) and nine egrets.

cds I listened to while driving around on three wheels and one doughnut: Steve Von Till "If I Should Fall to the Field" (I was looking up at the moon as it peeked through the low-lying clouds and appreciating how the autumnal feel of this cd was enhancing the evening when I heard the tell-tale flup flup flup of my air-less tire slapping the asphalt), FM Einheit "Prometheus/Lear", Alexander Hacke "Filmarbeiten", Ani Difranco "Little Plastic Castle" and Beasts of Paradise "Nobody Knew the Time"

now: Savina Yannatou "Mediterranea"

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