Monday, October 07, 2002

I got a female hissing cockroach on friday, so that we can have the joy of watching it give birth, and the additional joy of watching the babies grow. Later, Matt and I went to see Lila Downs at the Brava theater in the Mission district in S.F. She has one of those deep, honey-velvet type voices. Sort of like June Tabor, except she does Central and South American style folk songs instead of english ones. She also looks strangely like Frida Kahlo. Her percussionist was playing a cajon, which is basically a wooden box with a soundwell. We have one of those at the museum, but this is the first time I've seen one played professionally. The various musicians did solos, which I usually find a little annoying. This time it was okay, because in addition to sax, harp, bass, and percussion solos, there was a juggling solo. A really good juggling solo. I like that! The audience was on its feet by the end.
After the show, we went to Matt's house and, with flashlight in hand, poked around in his shed for black widows. We managed to get one into a little plastic cage without too much difficulty. I figured this would be a good bonus at the spider workshop I was helping out with on sunday.
Saturday, Lexy had a birthday party (his sixth) at the park, featuring a really tough pinata, a large amount of chocolate cake, and a lot of new toys that got stuck in trees. I still have a sizeable gouge in my right arm from getting down the air-powered plane that Jason got him. Sophie got really messy and ate lots of cake.
On sunday, Jen got to go to a lingerie shower. I heartily approve! I went to the museum and helped facilitate the spider workshop. The children in attendance were all around Lexy's age. I read them Eric Carle's "The Very Busy Spider" and showed them an assortment of arachnids. I brought the Pink-toed tarantula, the Tucson Blonde tarantula, the Black Widow (to show everybody what the only dangerous local spider looks like - surprisingly enough, a lot of people have never really seen one of these), the Tanzanian Giant Banded Tailless Whip scorpion (biggest name, smallest creature), the vinegaroon, and the Emperor scorpion. The children then made their own spiders out of pre-cut circles, fabric, and an assortment of "eyes" and "legs" made out of various things. Everybody enjoyed themselves. I'm giving more thought to doing this at schools.

Tonight, less than an hour ago, I got pulled over yet again. This time it was in sight of our house. Apparently I have a brake light out. The cop asked if he could search my car. I mulled that one over for a moment and then let him do it. I asked his partner if they made a habit of searching cars they stop for non-functioning lights. She said they did, because of the time of night. I somehow think that is bullshit. If I had been driving a Lexus and wearing a suit I bet they wouldn't have searched the car. They probably wouldn't even have pulled me over. Haven't they figured it out by now? The people in the expensive cars and the suits usually have a lot more to hide than the people with long hair and torn jeans driving filthy Nissans. It looked even dirtier with all of those cop lights shining on it. And what is that damned spider web stuff all over the back of my car? Maybe the spiders were having a people workshop. At any rate, they didn't find anything. Maybe I should put mouse traps in my glove compartment so that next time they will... Can you tell I'm a bit irritated? I feel like I've been profiled. At least I didn't get a ticket. If I was a criminal I'd try to look like George Bush. Nobody would think I was intelligent enough to do anything wrong. hmmm... maybe that's how he got where he is today. It sure fooled me. I didn't think he had a chance in hell of becoming president. If it wasn't for his connections he'd probably be working the night shift at a gas station. Okay, enough ranting for one night.

Animals spotted: six egrets, one tiny little baby opossum, and one skunk.

cds listened to while looking suspicious: Ulali "Mahk Jchi", Pale Nudes "Soul Come Home", Fomoflo "no.11" and "Slug & Firearms", Tone Dogs "The Early Middle Years", and Der Eisenrost "Armored Weapon"

now: Jorg Thomasius & Doc Wor Mirran "The Sound of Silver"

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