Thursday, October 10, 2002

It was pleasantly cloudy today. The clouds covered most of the sky, painting it grey and white. The whole thing probably deepened to oranges and reds at sunset, but I was otherwise occupied so I can only imagine what it was like.

I'm thinking of all the ways I have justified buying such a large quantity of cds over the years:

1. I'm going to get this eventually, so I might as well get it now.

2. Hey, this store donates a portion of its proceeds to helping save the rainforest. What a great cause!

3. I'll just get this band's whole back catalog to save myself the trouble of having to come back to get the rest later.

4. It's my friend's band. I'm helping my friends!

5. It's on an independent label. I'm helping independent labels!

6. I don't have any cds from this country yet...

7. The people who own this record store are cool. I'll buy lots of cds here to ensure that they stay in business.

8. It's a limited edition. If I don't buy it now I might never see it again.

9. Well, dammit, I just need more cds with banjos (or nyckelharpas... or bodhrans...) on them.

10. Hey, this cd is cheaper than food!

11. It's a benefit cd.

12. I worked some extra hours this week, so this is extra money...

So you see what I'm up against. They're all valid reasons too. I just recently sent some money to the Snowden Environmental Trust, which got me a Dar Williams tape. I'm helping the environment! I'm sure everybody has ways to justify their excesses. The first step towards recovery is to realize the ways we justify things.

Animals spotted tonight. three tree-climbing raccoons, one jaywalking opossum, and seven sleeping egrets.

cds that I probably had really good reasons for buying: The Gathering "Always...", Doc Wor Mirran "Garage Pretensions" and "Fressing Heads", The Ass Baboons of Venus "Spanking the Species" (I got this one absolutely free for being an extra in a movie called "Legend of the Waterbreakers". As of yet, I don't think it has been released. Starring ex-girl as perpetually pregnant rock stars. We got to help keep the babies in. Don't ask.), Coil vs ELpH, and In the Spirit of Crazy Horse - Songs for Leonard Peltier

now: Sally Doherty and the Sumacs "Sleepy Memory"

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