Friday, October 01, 2004

Things are picking up speed. I received an e-mail earlier today stating that I'd passed the second round of interviews for the position I'm hoping to get. It seems that they've whittled us down to three from the eighteen original applicants. They've even scored the written and oral interviews, much like they would a school exam. My score is a lucky 93 percent (I even mentioned listening to Current 93 a couple of posts ago - serendipitous coincidence?). Later I received a call from the director of the school, and my final interview is set for tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.

I took Lexy and Nate for a hike this afternoon. It took a bit of convincing to get Lexy to come along - he's still upset about his broken arm and keeps saying he's useless. I persisted though, and he thanked me later. We didn't see as much in the way of wildlife this time, but had a good time nonetheless. Here's a few of the photos.

The very common Western Fence Lizard, aka Bluebelly. If you hear a rustling in the bushes, this is what is making it.

The slightly less common Western Skink (juvenile). Slightly blurry photo because you rarely get a second chance with small quick lizards.

Nate and I wandering into the woods. Photo by Lexy.

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