Thursday, December 15, 2005

My day of manual labor at work was cancelled for some reason. Perhaps everybody is sick. The answering machine message didn't say...

So I stayed home with the monkeys, who screeched and ran around and seldom did as they were told. The more days I spend at home, the more I can empathize with Jen and the more I can understand why she is always so frazzled. It wouldn't be so bad if the adults didn't have a million things of their own to get done, but we do. If it is indeed true that full moons inspire madness, then that was a factor as well. I even had to deal with not one, but two soliciters. I heard the first guy minutes before he rang the bell because he was loudly repeating, "hello, hello," as he made his way up the walk. When I answered the door, he launched into his rehearsed spiel about carpet cleaning. If he hadn't been a lunatic, I might have considered hearing him out, since our carpets are several colors away from whatever color they started out as. But he was, and I didn't. The second person was a kid selling magazine subscriptions. I think he was trying to be funny, but all he succeeded in being was slightly irritating. To top it all off, he didn't even shut the gate when he left.


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