Monday, December 12, 2005

Jen's stepdad had surgery today, and it went well. He'll still be in the hospital for a bit, but that is to be expected. Definitely a relief.

I stayed home with the kids, and everything was relatively peaceful except for the usual after-school grouchiness that afflicts the boys.

I get to work tomorrow. As predicted, one of my coworkers is sick (I could have worked today if I hadn't been watching the kids, but that would have been my ninth straight day working, so I'm glad I got to stay home) so I'm filling in. I'm kind of ambivalent about it. The work is fun and we always need the money, but there's lots to do around here and a break would be welcome. Not that I accomplished much of anything today. I mostly just hung out with the girls. Sometimes you just gotta do nothing.

Oh, and preorders are now being taken for the medecins sans frontieres 5 cd set over at Jnana Records. Go on a musical adventure and support a good cause. I make a small appearance on the first track. Lots of friends and other people I really respect (not to mention enjoy listening to) have contributed songs to this.

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