Thursday, September 02, 2004

One more interview behind me. Actually, it was kind of a group interview, with three interviewees present. The drive to the interview took about half an hour, which is fine by me because I have a cd player in my car. I think I'll find out pretty quickly whether or not I get this job. In a way it reminded me of my job interview at YSI - very relaxed and friendly. It seems like an exciting place to work. An old coworker of mine (well, from earlier this year, anyway) already works there. More on this soon.

Jen got a call while I was at work from a woman who wants to have a Halloween party with reptiles and spiders and such. Extra money next month. As if any money we take in is extra... Every little bit helps though.

For some reason there were lots of people in the Early Childhood Center at work today. And they were all playing with the gak (a rubbery, slimy mixture of borax, glue, water, and food coloring). While clowning around with a large group of preschoolers I discovered that it is possible to jump rope with the stuff. It usually ends up coming apart, sending slimy green segments across the room, but the kids sure enjoyed it. A mom even requested a repeat performance for one of her daughters who had missed the initial tomfoolery. It was one of those days that made me marvel at the fact that I get paid to do this kind of work. Too bad it's not enough to live on.

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