Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Jen and Lexy came home from Lexy's "arm doctor" appointment today with new socks, shoes, and belt for me so I'd look extra nice for my job interview. I have to admit I actually did look pretty good, although Lexy observed that I looked "pretty plump" with my shirt tucked in. Kids are good at popping those ego balloons.

As for the interview, it went well. I believe I mentioned before that it was a panel interview, conducted by three people. When I was ushered into the room the first thing I noticed was that I knew who one of my interviewers was. She's the mother of one of the campers I taught over the summer. Small world indeed. The interview was short, and I think I answered well, but it's always kind of hard to tell. I found out that one of the other interviewers plays the nose flute, making him the first person that I've met outside of my circle who plays it. I think the fact that I play it will work in my favor. Who would have thought? Sometimes esoteric interests pay off. Now I have to wait a week and a half to find out whether I go on to the third (and final) step - an interview with the director of the school. I think I have a really good chance (I've said this before, however), and in addition to this there's a part-time position available as well (sort of like a silver medal at the Olympics). More positions will be available soon too.

In the meantime, I've e-mailed another place today, and am still waiting for a response. I heard back from one other place as well, and am currently trying to decide whether the relatively low pay and half-hour commute would be worth it. There are set interview times twice a week every week during October, which of course are inconvenient for me because making these times would entail missing work at one of my current jobs. It's such a struggle to juggle. Well, not really, but it rhymes.

It was cooler today, with clouds breaking up the monotony of the sky. I didn't do much besides the interview. Tomorrow I work both of my current jobs, for a total of five hours of pay. Rolling in money, but still feeling the hard pavement underneath - that's us.

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