Friday, May 30, 2003

I've been tired this week. It may have something to do with the heat, but it more likely has something to do with never getting quite enough sleep.
I led my last Hidden Villa tour of the season on tuesday, and caught an Alligator lizard - no doubt to make up for the one that got away while we were rushing around catching snakes last weekend. I'm not sure what my work schedule is going to be like when tours resume in the fall, so this may indeed be my last tour for the indefinite future.
Attendance at the museum has hit the summer doldrums, and I find myself keeping busy at work with drawing or playing the tin whistle. After next week, I'm cutting my hours down to an all time low of eight hours a month. This is so I can work at the Youth Science Institute for the summer.

At home, The Dickens has decided that she hates baths. This is an abrupt about-face, because up until very recently she was our household's biggest bath fan, often staying in the tub well after all of the water had been drained, and emerging somewhat prunish. Now she kicks up a fuss if we try to give her a bath. This must work on the same principle as a child deciding to really hate a certain type of previously loved food the day after you stock up on said food.
Willow was quite fussy today. Poor little girl.

It was a little windy out tonight, and a very light mist was drifting down from the sky.

cds listened to in the mist: Shinjuku Thief "Medea", Sixth Comm/Mother Destruction "Archive 1" and "Archive 2", Voivod "The Outer Limits" and "Negatron", and Skyclad "The Wayward Sons of Mother Earth" and "A Burnt Offering for the Bone Idol"

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