Monday, May 19, 2003

I got home three hours late due to mechanical difficulties with the printing press. While waiting around for the papers to arrive I reflected on how I really hate depending on other people or machines for anything. I'd really like a job that is not part of a chain of events with weak links somewhere in the middle.

When I finally got going I had to drive slowly to avoid the gangs of ducks who have taken to hanging out along my route. They're so tough that they just waddle slowly out of my way, refusing to fly for any reason.

I also saw a lone shooting star.

Tomorrow I'll write about my weekend. Maybe - if the damn papers aren't so late again.

cds I listened to while keeping one eye out for waterfowl: Trouble "s/t", Sigillum S "Cybertantrick Quantum Leaps" and "Bedscanner Philosophy: An Updated Boudoir Mode", Jello Biafra "If Evolution is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Evolve", and Current Ninety Three "A Little Menstrual Night Music",

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