Tuesday, November 19, 2002

I saw a grand total of one meteor tonight.

In the dim past, families would gather around the fire at the end of the day and tell stories. These stories were passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes new stories were born, and old stories faded, or changed beyond recognition as storytellers added their own twists and personalities to the proceedings. Many of these stories were cautionary tales. Children, upon hearing a tale such as Little Red Riding Hood, would come away from the experience knowing that it is unwise to stray from the path, and even more unwise to consort with cross-dressing wolves. All was well and good until television came along. Now the kids gather around and watch "Land Before Time 5". What they're learning from it I just don't know.

cds I listened to while straining to see meteors: Fire & Ice "Blood on the Snow", Varttina "Oi Dai", Holocaust "The Courage to Be", Fire & Ice/Charlie MacGowan "California Daze", Tony Wakeford "Paris", and In Extremo "s/t"

now: Lights in a Fat City "Sound Column"

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