Sunday, March 08, 2009

Lots of activity today. Willow has carpeted the apartment with her haul from yesterday's party, and she's got The Wiggles playing on the TV (dvd of course - no actual TV allowed!). We're going to do a cleanup and finish up her homework soon though.

I've been working on my own class assignments while she has been playing, something I wouldn't have been able to do if she didn't have all of this diverting new stuff. We've been out today - once to my mom's to visit and pick up a package (Amebix dvd!), and once to school where I student teach so I could talk with my friend/master teacher. Of course, Willow took advantage of the opportunity to actively investigate the playground equipment there.

It's funny though - perhaps the most vivid moment of the day was discovering a lone ladybug on the sidewalk in front of my mom's house. Willow and I knelt down and watched it make its way into the lawn, climb a weed, and eat an aphid. Nearby, a line of ants marched purposefully by. We talked about what it must be to be bug-sized, and watched the little drama of predator and prey unfold for a few moments before the spell was broken and we reentered the human world of grandmas and dvds.

Spring must be around the corner. The clocks have been forced ahead, and all around us, living things are reawakening.

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