Thursday, July 17, 2003

You would think that kindergarten and first-graders are old enough to know that they aren't supposed to eat paint. Apparently they're not. The boy who performed this little experiment said that it tasted, "yucky". Earlier, on our daily hike around the lake, we went out on one of the little piers and discovered that nearly every available corner space in the railing was home to little Garden spiders. Their perfect little webs billowed like miniature sails in the gentle breeze. The kids, while somewhat intrigued by this, were more interested in the family fishing nearby.

I'm pretty tired this week. There's this headache that has been going around as well. Jen and I both had it. One of the boys at camp has it. Perhaps it's some sort of bug, or maybe it's all coincidental. Who knows? Next week I have a longer camp, but fewer campers. So far it looks like there will only be seven of them. They're also a little older (4th and 5th graders) and will presumably not eat paint.

cds I listened to while needing sleep: Bohren & der Club of Gore "Midnight Radio" disc 2, Young God Records: Compilation 2000 A.D., and M. Gira "solo/acoustic cd 2001"

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