Friday, July 18, 2003

Remind me to never buy another watch on sale. Our camp went a little over time today due to the fact that my watch ended up being an hour slow. I should learn to listen to my internal clock and ignore the one on my wrist. The kids were all pretty worn out after a long day of hiking around and catching bugs. Several of them managed to find some old fishing line and a jar of something called "power bait". They fashioned a fishing pole out of a stick and pretended to fish off of the pier. Out beyond their range, large carp floated lazily near the bottom of the lake. Nearby, a noisy coot was making a nest. We caught a couple of minnows and put them in our bucket, where they floated dejectedly near the bottom until we tossed them back in. The air was thick and hot, and I was actually glad when when one of the moms tracked us down and let us know what time it actually was. There followed a chaos of goodbyes and the kids all went their respective ways. One girl had her mom take a picture of us together. Oh yeah, that reminds me, a photographer for one of the local papers came by a few days ago and took pictures of our camp. I wonder if any of the photos will actually end up in the paper.

Lexy keeps coming in and asking me to go close the screen door. It seems that he's afraid of raccoons. Well, I guess they do wear those masks - it makes them look kind of like burglers. Burglers are scary because they take things without asking. Of course, Lexy sometimes takes things without asking too, and he's not scary. Therefore, if we follow this logic, maybe burglers aren't really scary either. In which case, raccoons shouldn't be scary just because they look like burglers. Can you tell that I need sleep?

cds I listened to while needing sleep: Jarboe/Telecognac "Over", Current Ninety Three "Live at the Teatro Iberico, Lisbon, Portugal...", Swans "Public Castration Is A Good Idea", Michael Gira with guests "Benefit cd - Jarboe emergency medical fund", Jarboe "Sacrificial Cake" and "Disburden Disciple"

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