Thursday, July 31, 2003

I forgot to mention earlier that today marks the one year anniversary of this site. That makes it the most thoroughly documented year of my life, since I was never very regular in my journaling/diarying habits when I used to use a pen and paper. I think I must have a need to have an audience, although I'm aware that my audience is small, and includes people who enter the most bizarre things into search engines. What's the big deal with portable stripper poles anyway? When I mentioned them a few months back, I was kind of joking about getting Google hits on that particular phrase. Apparently people are searching for them.
Of course, the flip side of writing for an audience is that I find myself editing what I write - this, at the moment, is a bit more surface level than the journals I used to keep. Being happy helps though. It'll be interesting to see how this evolves over the next year. It's also interesting for me (and probably me alone - okay, maybe Jen too) to look back into the early archives. It's like a window into a long gone slice of a day-to-day routine.

The boys are still ill. Jen isn't feeling so well either. The sky is cloudy and the air is humid. I cleaned the backyard today. I'm going to go have some coffee now. Until next time...

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