Tuesday, January 14, 2003

The night was warm again, and overcast. That strange, indefinable smell is still in the air. Maybe it's the winds of change, although it evokes a sense of nostalgia.

I went with Jen and the kids to the chiropractor today. I even let her talk me into giving me a free exam, although I'm not sure when I will ever have time to go back three times a week like she wants me to. I'm of two minds about going anyway. I love the whole concept of natural healing. I've always believed that our minds are primarily responsible for healing. Pharmaceuticals can be risky, and sometimes even worse (just look at what happened to Jen over the holidays...). Why pay others to fix you when your own mind can do the job just as well, or better? That said, I tend to run screaming from anything that smacks of New Age (does that make me a new ageist?). The chiropractor had a fighting fish in her office. Named Zen. I told her that Zen was a strange name for a fighting fish. She said that he was a peaceful warrior. Of course, this is only because he was alone in his bowl. I'm going back for another visit (my back is actually not in the best of shape...) and we'll see how things progress. I haven't made up my mind yet...

Sophie spilled water all over the nice floor in the waiting room.

cds I listened to while being warm in january: Shirley Collins "Within Sound" disc four, Neurosis "Through Silver in Blood", Marta Sebestyen "Kismet", and Howard Shore "Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers" soundtrack

now: Michael Nyman "Prospero's Books" soundtrack

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