Sunday, March 29, 2020

Humans Being Human

Jeanine tells me that she read on an online chicken forum (yes, there are forums for everything) that chicks are currently hard to come by. Apparently, people are panic buying chickens. They're going to have to wait awhile before chicks will be old enough to lay eggs, but maybe they're already planning for future pandemics. I'm thankful that we've had chickens for years, although there were no eggs in the coop today. I hope people aren't coming over the fence and stealing them.

On the flip side of that, a woman on our block has been stress-baking loaves of bread and distributing her surplus to neighbors. I've been ignoring the doorbell, but Jeanine answered, so now we have loaves of bread. I admit I was irritated at first, because technically we should all be keeping our distance, but it really was a sweet thing for her to do.

A little earlier in the week, or possibly last week... what day is it today anyway? ... the doorbell rang, which I ignored. Jeanine opened it to find an elderly woman wanting to know about our Little Free Library. Apparently, she was desperate for reading material because the actual libraries are all closed. Again, I was irritated in the moment, but afterward decided that it was nice to be able to help her. I even found a book out there a few days ago that I want to read. Also of interest was a board book about vampires. Usually people dump the worst sort of trash in Little Free Libraries - self help books, books about Jesus, and flavor-of-the-month popular culture junk, so it's nice when interesting things appear.

Here's a photo of our resident backyard Yellow-rumped Warbler, taken out the back window while I paused Tarkovsky's "Ivan's Childhood" yesterday.

It seems that this whole stay at home thing is hard for the majority of people.

Also, I got news that friends in the UK actually have Covid-19, although thankfully not serious cases (as far as I know).

We're looking at another month of hanging out at home.

Currently listening to: Fossil Aerosol Mining Project "Scaath Catfish"

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