Monday, March 23, 2020

A Week In

This time last week, we were a few hours from learning that five San Francisco Bay Area counties were to be asked to shelter in place. Over the course of the week, that mandate extended to the rest of California. Unfortunately, this is going to prove to be unenforceable. I think a lot of people can't figure out what to do with themselves at home.

Fortunately, I'm not one of them. For better or for worse, I've always had a tendency to accept things as they happen. Admittedly, this change is unprecedented, but it has quickly become the new normal.

Emotionally, I'm doing okay, although sometimes I jump at phantom symptoms, worrying that they might not be phantom. Jeanine is still painting every day, but so far, I've been consuming art rather than creating it. Eva is going a little stir crazy, I think. She has done a little painting as well, but is mostly planted in front of the TV playing video games. Willow is at her mom's house, and reported to me that she had a slight fever.

I'm supposed to have a Zoom meeting at 1:00 PM today. This will be my first attempt at joining a remote meeting. I missed one late last week because I didn't check my work e-mail. Other than that, I'll see where the day takes me. I've still been getting up relatively early, while Eva and Jeanine have been staying in bed late. I predict that I'll slowly shift toward being more nocturnal as things progress.

The economy is tanking, which means we should expect unwise decisions from our federal "leadership" sometime soon. This may last longer than we think. One hears so many conflicting stories online. That's the thing, there is no calm Voice of Reason at the controls. Instead we have a Voice of Chaos. Self-interest and power make poor bedfellows.

Support the arts. They are a balm for the psyche during such times.

Written to the tune of: Animal Machine "Thrashing Drive Vegetation"

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