Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 3

This is Day 3 of not being at work. Originally, there was some confusion as to whether my position was considered "essential" or not. Apparently, it's not, which, under the circumstances, makes perfect sense. In fact, I was surprised that there was any confusion about it. I teach kids. There are no kids right now. Case closed.

I'm actually really enjoying sitting at home and catching up on my book reading, movie watching, and music listening. I'm in the middle of "Dancer's Lament" by Ian C. Esslemont, which is part of the Malazan series originally kicked off by author Steven Erikson (I finished his 10 book "Malazan Book of the Fallen" series recently, and it's epic in every sense of the word - if you're looking for a series to start while avoiding people, this is the perfect one, since it is easily over 10,000 pages in length). Movie-wise, I've watched Richard Stanley's "Color Out of Space" (loved it!) and re-watched Aleksei German's "Hard To Be A God", based on a novel by the Strugatsky brothers. It's a stunning piece of work, and features more mud and rain that the bleakest of Bela Tarr's films. Right now, I'm in the middle of the "Films of Jorg Buttgereit" blu-ray box set. I've seen all the films before, but the blu-ray has all sorts of extras, plus it's a serious upgrade from my old VHS copies. I'm thinking about sitting down with John Carpenter's "The Thing," next. Maybe I'll even rewatch the prequel that came out a few years ago. I might even see what's new on Netflix. I'm living the introvert dream right now.

I've also compiled a list of other things that need doing. So far though, I'm perfectly content to indolently entertain myself. It has been cold and rainy, which has stopped me from doing the other thing I've been doing a lot of lately, photographing birds. Maybe tomorrow...

Oh, and the toilet blurped up a bunch of water and flooded the bathroom this morning. Add that to the power outage a couple of days ago, and things are quite comedic around here. Plus, we have rats in the walls. We've had them for awhile, but it's more on my mind when I'm home to hear them scrabbling about.

Currently listening to Sainkho Namtchylak/Ned Rothenberg "Amulet"

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