Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Couple of Things

I went out for a walk along the Los Gatos Creek Trail a couple of days ago. Most people seemed oblivious to the six foot personal space bubble we're all supposed to be maintaining, so the next time I go on a walk, it's going to be somewhere more remote. This Red-winged Blackbird also seemed unconcerned with my proximity, continuing to sing as I took photos.

At home, I saw a Bushtit taking advantage of the nesting fluff (a present from Jeanine) I put in the yard awhile back. I've been considering putting some of my own hair out there too, and just learned that pet hair can only be put out if said pets haven't had recent flea treatments. I guess that would apply to human hair too, but I haven't had any flea treatments, so mine should be okay.

This is the first time I've seen a Bushtit in the yard.

The Northern Mockingbird was hanging about as well.

I watched a couple of things today, or should I say a couple of Things? To be precise, John Carpenter's "The Thing" and the prequel, also called "The Thing", which came out a few years ago. The movie was on my mind last week when I though we were still going to be expected to go to work. The movies are about paranoia and isolation. The isolation is geographical, since the setting is Antarctica, and the paranoia comes from the fact that the titular Thing replicates human beings. Anybody could be a deadly alien being. In fact, it is compared to a virus at least once over the course of the films. The Covid-19 virus could be inside any of us, which makes any kind of close contact especially dangerous for people with existing health problems and/or the elderly. In short, the films are quite relevant to current events.

In other news, the "shelter in place" order is now statewide.

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