Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Blinked, and It's Sunday Evening Again

Night has fallen on the weekend, and Monday lurks in the darkness. I did some cooking (enchiladas from the Soy Not Oi!2 cookbook) and stamp carving on Saturday, and today Jeanine and I went for a 5.5 mile walk along the creek trail. The birds and feral cats were out in force, and we even saw a turtle basking in the weak January sunshine. Haze made distances indistinct, and I have a feeling today was probably a Spare the Air Day. We're supposed to (maybe) get some rain by the end of the week, which will sluice all of the crap out of the air and add it to our water table. Joy.

Here are a couple of pictures from late in the week.

Early morning at camp:

Mrs. Charles presiding over one of our fallow garden beds:

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