Saturday, August 31, 2002

I came home the other night with a blonde - a tucson blonde tarantula (what were you thinking I meant?) What a wonderful addition to our little family. Come to think about it, why do so many men use hair color as a primary way of describing women? It's kind of demeaning, isn't it? Besides, you can change your hair color, thus making the description obsolete. Although I have to admit I've never heard somebody described as a "blue" or a "green-with-black-roots". It's always "blonde" or "brunette". Maybe, to make a point, we should start describing men by some meaningless physical characteristic, like eye color or height. ...and you can't say, "he has blue eyes". You have to say, "he's a blue", as if that's the most important aspect of him. That's what we're all about here. Let's rub people's mindless habits in their faces.

The other day, half in jest, I suggested to Jen an alternate usage of that ridiculous phrase that used to usher people into married life. I bet nobody has ever started a marriage with the words, "I now pronounce you woman and husband". It would make a point, wouldn't it?

We've come a long way in certain respects, but we still have a long way to go. Language is important. Think before you speak.

Currently listening to: In the Nursery "Anatomy of a Poet"

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