Tuesday, December 01, 2015


It's December now, and at the end of the week, another year in my existence will have become memory. I'll be 48 years old. This page serves as somewhat of a memory vault, a place where I can keep track of things that I otherwise might have forgotten. I sometimes find myself scrolling through previous years, laughing at little things that I've recorded here. I wonder if this tendency will increase as I age.

It is cold right now, and rain is forecast for Thursday. I love this time of year.

I've decided to post a photo every day this month. At the moment, I'm thinking that the theme will be a photos taken at home. I'll start with a benighted view of where I now sit, taken just a moment ago.

Here is a bonus photo of Dexter, taken yesterday, or possibly the day before. These days, he looks huge when compared to Brian the kitten. He also has his winter coat, which makes him look excessively shaggy. Brian has been relentlessly terrorizing him, which is odd, considering that Dexter, if he had a mind to, could take Brian apart. He shows admirable restraint in not doing so.

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