Thursday, December 31, 2015

Arbitrary Endings, Arbitrary Beginnings...

Weirdly, I sometimes feel like I'm playing catch-up with books and music. I buy so many that sometimes I'm surrounded by piles of one or the other that I haven't had time to enjoy. One of my goals for the forthcoming year is to consume at a more sedate pace, and produce more (when have I heard that before?, you ask). There are more musical notes and written words out there than I'll ever be able to process. Maybe I need to be more selective. I want to write more, and maybe even record some music. I've done a lot of the former already, but precious little of the latter.

Here, on the last day of 2015, is a picture of Willow, recently arisen from bed and expressing a desire not to be photographed. She is surrounded by the comforting clutter of our home environment.

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