Tuesday, October 07, 2014


Due to the heat, the first night of camp this week was plagued with sleeplessness for many of the kids. Many of them were exhausted and frustrated by their inability to fall asleep. There wasn't much I could do about it beyond telling them that the forecast called for slightly cooler temperatures today. Sure enough, today is cooler, although not as much cooler as the forecast stated it would be.

This morning, there were three turkeys on the front lawn at work. At home, Jeanine managed to get a phone photo of the hawk. Birds everywhere. Probably looking for water.

And here's Jeanine, medicating Dot the chicken. Dot is not at all sure about this.

And while I'm at it, a picture of Jeanine's Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tree Spider, who put in a rare appearance on the glass side of his enclosure. He usually hides behind the backdrop.

Meanwhile, in drought news, California's hydropower is drying up. The only good thing to come out of resource-related problems like this is the fact that they hit people in the face with the fact that our resources are finite.

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