Thursday, May 19, 2005

It misted again all day today, making the long hike (a Thursday institution) quite beautiful, with groves of Coast Live Oaks made indistinct by fog. Down at camp, lots of kids got in trouble and had to be sent home, making this one of the most difficult weeks so far in terms of behavior problems. These kids are paired up with some pretty ineffective cabin leaders as well, so chaos often reigns. I kind of lucked out with my group though. The most difficult kid I have to deal with is this girl who does nothing but whine, sometimes contradicting herself with her own complaints. It's kind of amusing, really.

Here's a small picture of the Alligator lizard who tried to hide up under the van.

Here's a big picture of the Gopher snake I caught today.

I was surprised to see it out in this kind of weather. I guess it is half past May, but it sure doesn't seem like it.

More later.

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