Monday, January 03, 2005

Once again I am enslaved by my alarm clock. Its piercing cry jolted me from my dreams and forced me to my feet in the predawn light this morning, much like it will do for most of the rest of the year. I imagine that our distant ancestors were healthier, being allowed to sleep in until their body clocks awakened them. Of course, sometimes they were attacked in the night by predators, so maybe I shouldn't complain.

Work today wasn't really work anyway. It was a long meeting, during which we discussed such fascinating subjects as the 5th and 6th grade science curriculum. Not so bad, really. I'm glad to be back at work, reinvigorated after some time away and ready to add to my repertoire of teaching skills.

There's part of me that wishes I could stay home and finish de-cluttering the house. We've made headway with this project, but have a long way to go. Our efforts are hampered by four little clutterers, who delight in undermining us.

One of them is now standing next to me demanding milk and threatening to kick me if I don't comply. When is she going to learn that threats of violence are a bad tactic to use when asking for stuff? Of course, this never stops our lovely government...

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