Wednesday, August 25, 2004

It looks like our financial situation is going to get pretty grim before it gets better. I have a few job possibilities on the horizon, but things on the horizon always seem to take their sweet time getting right up next to you. I've done one interview for a full time position, I have another interview (for a part time position) scheduled for next week, and I just filled out another online application. This last job looks really good, but doesn't start until the middle of October. This last fact relegates it to "plan C" status. There's at least one other place that I haven't heard back from at all.

I hate that lag time between the interview and the final decision. I know it's necessary, but I still hate it.

Hopefully soon I can look back on this with the contented smile of a person with a full time job. Or at least a couple of good part time ones. If I was independently wealthy, I would just volunteer at wildlife centers or Hidden Villa or wherever the hell else I felt like working. Money is just an abstraction. It's just dirty little bits of metal and paper. It has no intrinsic value.

Bring back the barter system!

Below: Would you shake hands with this cat?

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