Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I took the kids on a longer hike today. We went up past the campgrounds and on up the hill. The same two girls as yesterday were up in front most of the time. I caught a small scorpion that I found under a board near the apex of the hike. It ran up and down my arms with its little pinchers held out in front. They're so cute when they do that. Most of the kids thought it was really cool. A couple were a bit less sure.

We buried Lucky the rat in the backyard today. The kids are still really upset about her death. It's funny in a way. They think it's really cool when the Python or the Water Monitor are eating one, but if you name one and put it in cage of it's own, it quickly becomes a member of the family. R.I.P. Lucky.

Two more days of camp this week, and five days next week. Then it's over.

I'm listening to T.A.C. "Twilight Rituals" right now, softly so it doesn't keep the little ones up. I saw them in France around nine years ago, and can't believe it's been nearly a decade since I first went overseas. I remember the guitarist kept apologizing because he had recently broken his arm (or something) and felt that his playing wasn't up to snuff. It sounded fine to me, but what do I know?. The music on the cd I'm currently listening is kind of glitchy, but vaguely nocturnal sounding. Distant voices, mostly female, singing behind fractured melodies. Quite calming, actually. It sounds a bit like Coil in spots.

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