Wednesday, March 01, 2006

So I managed to get to work, despite the huge, lichen-encrusted trees that had fallen and totally blocked the road. They took the power lines down with them when they fell, so camp was powered by generator for awhile. Phones were down and internet access is still intermittent.
I had to park at the bottom of the hill, where I was picked up by our facilities manager, who drove me as far as the downed trees. After a short walk through the woods and around the trees, our cabin leader advisor picked me up on the other side and drove me the rest of the way. There were sagging and snapped power lines all over the place. Fortunately they were no longer live. At camp the kids were oblivious to the fact that the only road out was blocked. The rain continued for most of the day, only letting up for a brief period in the afternoon while we were up in the chaparral. We found a bunch of critters, including a scorpion who pinched me (much better than getting stung) and a millipede who doused me with its iodine-based defense liquid. Saw some newts too. No big surprise there.
By nightfall the stars were out, and today its relatively sunny. I can't believe its March already.

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