Saturday, March 04, 2006

The boys are away at a friend's house. Willow is sleeping. Sophie and Jen are in bed behind me as I type. In Gowan Ring's "Webs Among the Din" is playing softly on the beat up old boombox we got from the grocery store (!) a few years ago. Outside, the wind is picking up.

Today was one of those days that just slipped away. Jen spent a lot of time shuttling the kids here and there - the boys to play practice and Sophie to a play date. I mostly stayed home with whoever wasn't elsewhere, trying desperately to prevent all of our toilet paper from being unspooled all over the house and making sure the girls didn't run outside nude. Jen went on several missions in search of poster boards and costume bits for the boys' upcoming play. Tomorrow we'll put the poster board cast photo thingie together somewhat. Maybe we'll even go someplace fun. That's the plan anyway. Of course I can think of a bunch of other things that need attention - pet food, laundry, the garage, various things that need being filled out and mailed... Maybe I'll go back to making "to do" lists, which is still the best, most guiltless way of avoiding real work. Not much of a weekend so far. Quieter now.

Here's another old photo from my misspent youth from the Acrofish archives, taken in front of the Gilman St. Project. This was my weekend home away from home for a handful of years during the late eighties. There was a real sense of community there. I will always identify with the outcasts.

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